Time: MARCH 16th 2023, 4.55 – 5.55 p.m.(CET) Place: The Auditorium Athene 2 at Pilestredet 46, OsloMet
Research for the benefit of education and society
Time: MARCH 16th 2023, 4.55 – 5.55 p.m.(CET) Place: The Auditorium Athene 2 at Pilestredet 46, OsloMet
ESAI – announces their Conference 2023 that will take place in Belfast from March 30th to April 1st 2023 at Stranmillis University College. The theme of the conference is “Education, Change and Democratic Societies: New imperatives and creative responses“.
Digitalization and Technologies in Education – Opportunities and Challenges Second call for papers Deadline November 15, 2022. Submission opens after October 15, 2022. Submission
Pädagogik Meets Education. Comparing Concepts and Traditions Welcome to the 3rd Annual Nordic Educational Conversation! The Conversation will be held virtually on Zoom. Time: 21
NERA Conference 2023, 15. – 17. March Oslo Digitalization and Technologies in Education – Opportunities and Challenges Deadline November 15th, 2022 Submission opens after
The NERA General Assembly was conducted Thursday June 2nd at the School of Education at the University of Iceland. According to the proposal from the
Michael Dal
Univeristy of Iceland
Stakkahlið, IS-105 Reykjavik
Phone: +354 691 6035
e-mail: michael@hi.is
© The Nordic Educational Research Association
Research for the benefit of education and society
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