Nordic Educational Research Association NERA / Nordisk Förening för Pedagogisk Forskning NFPF


Bylaws revised by the Delegates’ Assembly at the Annual Meeting of NERA in Copenhagen March 24th, 2017.

1§ Name and legal domicile

The name of the association is Nordisk Förening för Pedagogisk Forskning /Nordic Educational Research Association. The legal domicile of the association is Oslo and the association is registered in The Brønnøysund Register Centre (a government body under the Norwegian Ministry of Trade and Industry Agency).

2§ Aim

The aim of the association is to promote, in various ways, educational research and practice in the Nordic countries, principally by

  • arranging symposia, conferences, courses, etc,
  • publishing scientific material,
  • supporting communication between researchers in the Nordic countries, e.g. by creating networks,
  • giving high quality contributions to the knowledge development of research students,
  • collaborating with research groups in other disciplines, who are interested in educational research,
  • drawing the attention of funding authorities and research councils to areas in which educational research is needed,
  • collaborating with other educational associations, within as well as outside the Nordic countries,
  • working actively to improve the conditions of educational research,
  • triving to make the research known and accessible to a wider audience.

3§ Membership

The association accepts as members all individuals who are active as researchers or research students in education or otherwise connected with educational research. The association can be affiliated to other educational associations. Such an affiliation is decided upon by the Annual Delegates’ Assembly. Membership in NERA is required for attending the annual NERA conference.

4§ Membership fee

Members pay an annual fee settled by the Delegates’ Assembly every financial year.

5§ Resignation of membership

A member, who wants to resign his/her membership of the association, should do so by writing to the board. If a member, despite written reminder, has not paid the statutory annual fee, he/she is regarded as having resigned his/her membership.

6§ Organisation

The Delegates’ Assembly is the highest decision-making authority of the association. Other activities in the association are governed by a Board in accordance with these bylaws.

7§ The Board

The Board consists of nine (9) members, including the president (chairperson), at least one from each of the following countries: Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, and five (5) substitutes, one from each country. The president, other Board members, and deputies are elected by the annual Delegates’ Assembly for one year. The president can be elected for three years consecutively. It is desirable that the presidency alternates between the countries. The Board elects, among its members, a vice president, a secretary and a treasurer. However, the treasurer need not be a member of the Board. The Board is summoned by the president, or in case of impediment, the vice president. The Board forms a quorum, when at least four members (or their deputies) besides the president – or in case of impediment – the vice president, are present. The Board can, when necessary, meet per capsulam. It rests upon the Board to lead the activities in accordance with the decisions taken by the Delegates’ Assembly. The Board prepares the agenda for the Delegates’ Assembly, makes up a budget and a plan of action. Within the confines of accessible resources the Board is responsible for carrying out decisions taken by the Assembly. For special assignments the Board can appoint sub-committees. In such a sub-committee at least one Board member should be included. The president chairs the deliberations during Board meetings as well as the general association meetings, except the Annual Delegates’ Assembly. In case of impediment, the vice-president takes over the president’s responsibilities.

8§ Economy

Two auditors elected by the Delegates’ Assembly examine the accounts of the association and are to deliver their report at the Annual Meeting. The accounts are made every year and are presented to the Delegates’ Assembly for approval. The financial year runs between
1st January -12th December. The Board delivers the accounts to the auditors in good time before the Annual Meeting. The auditors’ report, which is to be presented at the Annual Meeting, is handed over to the Board at least one day in advance. The Board authorises one person to sign for the association. The Board has the right to accept and administer funds granted to the association by state authorities or research foundations. The treasurer and the secretary may be granted remuneration as decided by the Delegates’ Assembly.

9§ Election procedures

Election of President, Board members and deputies is prepared before the Annual Meeting by an election committee. Through an announcement in the association’s journal, Nordic Studies in Education, all association members are invited to nominate candidates in good time before the Annual Meeting. The chairperson of the election committee and its members are appointed by the Delegates’ Assembly for the following year. The election committee consists of two representatives from each of the membership countries, except Island who has one representative. The names of the candidates proposed by the election committee are included in the summons to the Annual Meeting. The election committee presents its proposals to the Delegates’ Assembly. During the Assembly any member of the association can bring other names forward.

10§ Annual Delegates’ Assembly and other meetings

Members of the association are summoned every year to a Delegates’ Assembly. This is to take place no later than March. The Board may summon an extra meeting. Such a meeting shall also be summoned when at least 10 % of the members representing at least three member-countries so demand. Summons to Delegates’ Assembly as well as extra meetings are announced at least thirty (30) days in advance. The summons shall be accompanied by an agenda including all matters that will be subject to decision at the meeting. Should there be a motion to change the bylaws, the main content of the suggested change is to be included in the summons. Members may wish to add a matter to the agenda of the Annual Meeting. All such motions must be announced in writing to the president 45 days before the Annual Meeting. Matters not included in the summons to the Delegates’ Assembly or other meeting may not be decided upon at the meeting.

11§ Right to vote

All registered members present at the meeting have the right to vote. In voting a simple majority is sufficient, but at least three member-countries have to be represented. If the votes are equal the chair of the meeting has the casting vote. In case a board is elected, however, lots are drawn. Elections are made by secret ballot, if so requested.

12§ Matters of the agenda at Delegates’ Assembly

The agenda of the Annual Delegates’ Assembly should contain the following matters:

  1. Election of chairperson for the meeting
  2. Election of recording secretary and two persons to check the minutes
  3. Annual report, financial report and the auditors’ report for the previous year
  4. Question to adopt the reports and the accounts
  5. Decision on plan of action for the coming year
  6. Decision on membership fee and budget plan for the coming year
  7. Election of president, other members of the Board and deputy members
  8. Election of auditors and deputy auditors
  9. Election of the election committee
  10. Other matters on the agenda

13§ Change of bylaws

Changes of these bylaws are decided by a meeting of the association. To be valid such changes must be put on the agenda for the meeting, described in full in the summons, and voted for by at least two-thirds majority at two consecutive meetings.

14§ Dissolution of the association

A proposal to dissolve this association should be made in the same manner as is stated concerning change of bylaws. The decision to dissolve the association is valid if two consecutive meetings have voted for it by a two-thirds majority. Any assets shall in that case go to the corresponding national associations in relation to the size of their membership in this association according to the last reports.

This page was updated August 17th 2020