The Nordic Educational Research Association (NERA) strives to promote educational inquiry and supports the use of research to enhance education. Moreover, it aims to strengthen the visibility of education as a discipline in the Nordic societies and to provide a platform for Nordic researchers as well as collaboration between them and the international community.
NFPF/NERA, founded in 1972, has established itself as a meeting place for educational researchers in the Nordic countries. The core activities of the Association involve holding an annual, peer-reviewed conference, production of the journal Nordic Studies of Educational Research as well supporting the ongoing work of the constituent networks.
NERA is open for everyone that has an interest in educational research in the Nordic context. The association is based on membership and decision-making is following democratic rules. The annual general assembly is the highest decision-making body. NERA is a multilingual organsiation.
Michael Dal
Univeristy of Iceland
Stakkahlið, IS-105 Reykjavik
Phone: +354 691 6035
© The Nordic Educational Research Association
Research for the benefit of education and society
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