The Ahlström Award was initiated in 1994 with the surplus money (20 000 SEK) from the book published in honour of Professor Karl-Georg Ahlström, Uppsala University, on his retirement. Ever since the establishing of the Nordic Educational Research Association, NERA (Nordisk Förening för Pedagogisk Forskning, NFPF) in 1972, Ahlström has been one of its major supporters.

The Ahlström Award is an award for one or more co-researcherst that has published an article in NERA’s journal Nordic Studies in Education.


Bylaws Ahlström Award (last changes General Assembly 2010)

The award is to be given to be given to one or more co-researchers working in the Nordic countries who during the period in question, are considered to best have developed an outstanding and critical scientific contribution to NERA’s journal Nordic Studies in Education.

The contribution should be a peer-reviewed scientific text published within the scope of time mentioned for the award. The award will be given with at least two years in between, at the Annual Congress. Therefore, contributions from two volumes of the journal will be the basis for  decisions. The award will be given every second year at the Annual Congress. If there is no qualified candidate it will be postponed to the next year.

The sum of the award is SEK 15 000.

The NERA Board act as the nomination committee and the winner(s) is appointed by the Board.

The money for the award is administered by the NERA Board and is placed paying regard to profit and stable value. The Board works to get a constant flow of money in order to be able to award the Educational award regularly.