
Invitation to submit an abstract to NordSTEP

A message from Network 21, Politics of Education and Education Policy Studies

We want to welcome interested to submit an abstract to the upcoming special issue in the Nordic Journal of Studies in Educational Policy.

This special issue focuses on the inclusion of historically underrepresented students in higher education from a policy and politics lenses.  

  • We invite empirical (qualitative, quantitative, mixed methods), theoretical, and policy analysis papers that examine the politics, policy making processes, and/or implementation issues at the intersection of policies and practice in including students who are disadvantaged and/or come from historically underrepresented populations.  
  • We also invite papers which address empirical complexities from policy or political lenses in serving underrepresented populations: discussions regarding the politics of language and terminology in institutions of higher education; analysis of inclusive/postcolonial curriculum and implications to policy/politics; discussions regarding recruitment, retention, promotion of staff from underrepresented groups and its relation to students. 
  • Intersecting identity components for minoritized students may consist of race, indigeneity, socioeconomic status, gender and gender identity, sexual orientation, age, disability, immigration/refugee status, spirituality, language, and education (Crenshaw, 1991; Martinez, 2018; Timothy, 2019). We also invite papers which examine structural inequalities more broadly, such as wealth and resource disparities which result in discriminatory practices.  

Send a 500-word abstract to both special issue editors by the due date.

Tiina Itkonen:  Henri Pesonen:

For research manuscripts, the abstract should explicitly state the focus of the article, theoretical grounding, research design and questions, preliminary results and their significance to advancing the politics, policy making or policy implementation toward equity and inclusion for historically underrepresented and/or marginalized student groups. Policy papers can conclude with policy recommendations based on the analysis. We invite papers from a variety of countries, but the manuscripts should relate to, elaborate on or be of relevance to the Nordic region and Nordic scholarship in accordance with the Nordic Journal Of Studies In Educational Policy (NordSTEP) mission.

  • Proposal 500-word abstracts due 15.9.2023
  • The authors will be informed by 2.10.2023 if their abstract will be accepted
  • Final date to submit full manuscripts is 1.12.2023 after which the manuscripts go through the peer review process
  • Final acceptance will be in September 2024
  • Special issue will be published in November/December 2024


Please review and follow instructions to authors.

The special issue does not provide language proofreading or translation; authors should utilize their own institutions for any such services.

Guest Editors: 

Tiina Itkonen, Professor of Education and Political Science , California State University Channel Islands.

Henri Pesonen, Associate Professor of Special Education, University of Oslo, Norway.


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