Invitation to submit an abstract to NordSTEP A message from Network 21, Politics of Education and Education Policy Studies We want to welcome interested to
Research for the benefit of education and society
Invitation to submit an abstract to NordSTEP A message from Network 21, Politics of Education and Education Policy Studies We want to welcome interested to
First Call for Abstracts This call is an invitation to the NERA research community to explore the vibrant, diverse, and unexpected adventures that education offers
REMINDER Each year one NERA-network has the honor of representing NERA at the American Educational Research Association’s (AERA) annual conference. The 2024 AERA annual meeting
Following the June 2023 HelsinkiNode symposium we hereby invite proposals for a special issue of Nordic Studies in Education focusing on Network Analysis Methods in Research
We are pleased to inform you that the latest issue of Nordic Studies in Education has just been published! Vol 43, No 2 is the
This call is an invitation to the NERA research community to explore the vibrant, diverse, and unexpected adventures that education offers students, teachers, and teacher educators as well as researchers. The notion of adventures and imagination may be generative in times of global crisis and despair.
Michael Dal
Univeristy of Iceland
Stakkahlið, IS-105 Reykjavik
Phone: +354 691 6035
e-mail: michael@hi.is
© The Nordic Educational Research Association
Research for the benefit of education and society
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