We are pleased to inform you that the latest issue of Nordic Studies in Education has just been published! Vol 44, No 3 includes the following four peer-reviewed articles and one book review:
Cykla i korridoren – elever i årskurs 9 om normer och skolklimat by Karin Bergman Rimbe, Sylvia Olsson and Gunnel Östlund
(all, Mälardalen University, Sweden)
Global Problems and/or Local Solutions: Teaching and Learning Physical Education in the Wake of OECD Education 2030 by Jorunn Spord Borgen (University of South-Eastern Norway) and Bjørg Oddrun Hallås (Western Norway University of Applied Sciences)
Inklusionens fundamenter: en longitudinal undersøgelse af betydningen af lærere og pædagogers inklusionsholdninger og mestringsoplevelser by Thomas Thyrring Engsig, Oline Pedersen and Jens Sand Østergaard (all, University College of Northern Denmark)
Reform Dynamics and the Professionalisation of Principals in Sweden and Finland. A Study of Articles in Union Journals Since the 1990’s by Nicklas Troedson (Tampere University) and Wieland Wermke (Stockholm University)
Effectiveness and Equity in Primary Science and Mathematics Education in the Nordic Countries: A Review of the Book by Teig et al. (2024) by Lilith Rüschenpöhler (Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
You can enter the website of the journal by clicking here.
Authors who would like to contribute to Nordic Studies in Education can send in article manuscripts via the journal’s electronic submission system. The journal does not charge publication fees.
Articles published prior to 2020 are still available by subscription from the previous publisher, Universitetsforlaget, at https://www.idunn.no/np.
Thank you for your interest in our work!
Best regards,
Herner Sæverot and Michael Dal
Editor-in-Chief President of NERA