The unjust invasion of Ukraine saddens and disturbs us immensely. We hereby express our deep sympathy, empathy and unity with all the Ukrainian people, and at the same time urge the Russian leaders to lay down their weapons and end the terrible violence in Ukraine.
NERA is an association of educational researchers in all Nordic countries that cherish the values of democracy, freedom of speech and the right of free citizens in sovereign democracies to choose their own path and destiny.
As an organization founded on the ideals of free academic thinking and free debate among peers, we are hugely concerned about our colleagues in Ukraine, who now are forced rather to use weapons than the pen to defend their human rights as academics and as communities. We proclaim our genuine solidarity with and support to our research colleagues in Ukraine, their families, friends and their communities.
We urge all colleagues to read the common statement of educational associations in Europe expressed at the EERA-website:
The NERA Board on behalf of the NERA community