Date: Thursday 3rd December 2020
Time: 4pm-5pm (please join from 3:50pm so we can have a prompt start)
Location: Zoom
Organisers: Scottish Physical Education Network and SERA
Who is this online seminar for: This seminar will be of interest to teachers, researchers and other key stakeholders working in the area of school health and wellbeing.
Seminar Overview
On the 25th June 2020, SERAconnects hosted a panel discussion with three senior teachers (one Head teacher and two Depute Head teachers) to discuss their priorities and plans for the return to school in August. This webinar is a follow-up to that panel discussion to reflect upon those priorities and consider them in light of the realities of school life since August, with a particular focus on how each school has attempted to support pupil and staff health and wellbeing. During the discussion, we hope to revisit some of those issues that were brought to light in June, for example, staff training, creating a supportive climate, digital learning and dealing with uncertainty. However, we will also discussion those ‘new’ issues that may have arisen since the return to school.
Audience members will be given opportunities to share their views and experiences, as well as ask questions using the interactive functions on zoom, and through SERA twitter feed.
We hope that this discussion will provide a supportive platform for teachers, researchers and other stakeholders to share practice, seek advice, and critically consider the implications of the discussions for their own context.
To register for the event please use the Eventbrite link: