Welcome to participate in a NERA Preconference workshop on methodology of comparative studies within the area of inclusive and early childhood education
hosted by NERA network 3 (early childhood research) and network 12 (inclusive education)
Tuesday 14 March 2023 at 13-17
Location: Metropolitan University, Oslo
‘No cost’ for the pre-conference, just pay own costs if you join for dinner
Programme (room to be advised)
13-14 Introduction and team-building activity
14-15 Inspirational lecture about comparative studies: hot topics in these areas applicable in local and global contexts for further collaboration in Nordic countries
15-15:30 Keynote invited to act as discussant – ideas for connecting and building beyond the current research, harnessing the skills in the combined research networks, and how to strategically capitalise on collaborative research examples and possibilities
15:30-16:15 Keynote presentation: ‘International comparative studies in education: The potential to advance knowledge in the fields of special and inclusive education, and early childhood education
16:15-17 Break-out discussions of keynote. Further discussions on how to facilitate network connections and sharing, including workshopping research plans and special issue proposals, potential collaborative grant-seeking and other future activities
19-21 Dinner meeting: Planning next steps for collaborative research within and between the networks and for outreach via the network pages
Please use the following link to register to the preconference: https://nettskjema.no/a/256950