~ Early Childhood Research


Network 3: Early Childhood Research
Scope: The network has its main focus on the early years, from birth to the first school years. We have a broad perspective on the child and its place and role in society, family, preschool and school. Different theoretical constructions of the child are held by the members in the network. The network also invites different methodological approaches to the study of early childhood.

Aim: The aim of the network is to stimulate young and senior researchers to meet, discuss and exchange scientific ideas encompassing both theoretical and empirical subjects. During our meetings we also discuss important political and ideological subjects that frame the life of young people.

The network also stimulates the exchange of teachers/researcher between universities in the NERA area.

The network has finally attempted to discuss and share ideas with focus on teacher education in mainly the Nordic countries.

The network members stimulate PhD students to take part in courses at any university within the network. Courses for PhD students are announced on the NERA website.