~ The Nordic Society for Philosophy of Education

Pre-Conference workshop

The Nordic Society for Philosophy of Education hosts, in cooperation with NERA, a pre-conference workshop on Solidarity as a lived experience in Helsinki Tuesday 8th to Wednesday 9th March 2016 (from lunch to lunch). Members of the society are welcome at no extra costs. Please email torill.strand@iped.uio.no if you plan to attend.

Time: Tuesday 8th March 13.15 – Wednesday 9th March 12.00

Venue: Room K108 at Institute of Behavioral Sciences, Siltavuorenpenger 5, University of Helsinki

Philosophers of education have long since discussed the complex notions and practices of solidarity. However, as a new world order challenge earlier notions and practices, solidarity is an emerging subject to ongoing studies in various subfields of ethics and political philosophy. Conceptions of solidarity are now being analyzed and discussed among contemporary philosophers, such as Badiou, Butler, Honneth, Malabou, Taylor, Rancière and Zizek. But to what degree and in what ways do todays philosophers of education explore the many faces of solidary thoughts and actions? And to what degree do we acknowledge solidarity as a lived experience?

The aim of this workshop is to invite an in-depth philosophical exploration and discussion of solidarity as a lived experience in contemporary societies.

In order to initiate such in-depth explorations, we have invited these speakers:

  • Katariina, Holma, University of Helsinki, Finland
  • Odin Lysaker, University of Agder, Norway
  • Lars Løvlie, University of Oslo, Norway
  • Claudia Schumann, University of Stockholm, Sweden

Odin Lysaker’s paper on “Dignity and Solidarity – Globalizing Axel Honneth’s Recognition Theory” serves as a starting point for an in-depth exploration, but also a broad debate on the topic.

For more substantial info, please visit http://blogs.helsinki.fi/nera-2016/philosophy-of-education-pre-conference-workshop/ (follow the link “detailed program”)