Nera network 14

~ Multi Cultural Educational Research

NERA Network 14 – Multicultural Educational Research Minutes from network meeting 2013

NERA Network 14 – Multicultural Educational Research
Minutes from network meeting 7 March 2013

Anh-Dao Tran, Birgitte Gade Brander, Christian Horst, Christina Rodell Olgac, Hanna Ragnarsdóttir, Johannes Lunneblad, Joron Pihl, Kerstin von Brömssen, Lars Anders Kulbrandstad, Margaret Obondo, Robert Berman, Sandra Fylkesnes, Thor Ola Engen.


  1. Conceptual and theoretical development in the network.
  2. Practical matters:
    • Preconference in 2014.
    • Convenors for 2014 (NERA will be in Lillehammer).
  3. Other matters.

The meeting was opened with at short introduction and overview by the present convenor, Hanna Ragnarsdóttir, School of Education, University of Iceland. The network received 28 abstracts for NERA 2013 (four of these were submitted in a symposium, other abstracts for paper sessions) and one poster. 27 of the abstracts were accepted. Very few papers were cancelled. The network organized seven full sessions, most of these with four papers each. All sessions were well visited. At most sessions about 20-30 persons were present and a number of good exchanges took place.

Conceptual and theoretical development in the network
After a short introduction of the convenor, Hanna Ragnarsdóttir, the participants reflected on the network preconference held the day before, the main concepts of intersectionality and superdiversity and the discussion that followed. The participants agreed that it had been a useful discussion which should be continued in the next preconference. The idea of inviting Gert Biesta as a presenter in the preconference was also supported and that the preconference could partly focus on his writings. In addition, another topic was suggested for the preconference next year: Second language educationwhere the participants agreed that research is needed, as well as linking research to school subjects. The participants discussed the situation in all countries that second language education is generally not a study discipline, neither in teacher training nor as a university subject. In relation to this, the importance of looking critically at changes in curricula was noted.

The name of the network was discussed and whether this needs to change. As the network receives many papers and has full sessions each year at NERA, some participants saw no need to change this. However, a suggestion was made to change it to Teaching and learning in multicultural societies. The participants decided to continue this discussion on the internet.

Practical matters:

Preconference in 2014
The participants decided to develop further the ideas discussed in the preconference and earlier in this meeting (see above).

Convenor and co-convenor for 2014
Since NERA 2011, the network has decided to work with two convenors each year: A principal convenor from the country which hosts the NERA conference and a co-convenor from the country which will host the NERA conference the following year. This year only Hanna Ragnarsdottir was convenor as the co-convenor appointed from Norway was not active.

In 2014 the NERA conference will be held in Lillehammer, Norway. A convenor from Norway was appointed, Thor Ola Engen and his colleagues in Hamar (Lars Anders Kulbrandstad and others). The network also needs to appoint a co-convenor from Sweden as NERA 2015 is planned in Gothenburg.

Other matters
No other matters were discussed.

Network convenor 2012-13
Hanna Ragnarsdóttir.