~ Post-approaches to Education

Pre-conference Malmö 2024

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Mis/adventures in education. Post-approaches to research and learning 

Dear network 22 participant, 

It is our pleasure to invite you to the pre-conference for NERA 2024 in Malmö, Sweden. We invite junior (PhD/doctoral students) and senior scholars interested in, curious or critical about, post-approaches to education to join the pre-conference. The purpose of the pre-conference is to strengthen the research network around post-approaches to education in the Nordic countries, and to allow for meetings and academic debate between PhD/doctoral students and seniors. 

Playing on the title of the NERA conference: ‘Adventures in Education: Desires, encounters and differences’, this year’s theme is Mis/adventures in education: post approaches to research and learning. While an adventure has positive connotations, a misadventure denotes a plan that has gone wrong or awry. How might misadventures open up new possibilities for education? How can we stay with the trouble (Haraway, 2016) of misadventure? Together, we hope to explore post-approaches to tensions in issues concerning education, the human, children, power, ethics, the body and more. 2(3) 

Academic mis/adventure 

It is never so bad that it isn’t good for something.” (Bobo, in Claus Climbermouse and the other animals in the ‘Huckybucky Forest’) 

A mis/adventure denotes a plan that has gone wrong or awry, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that it is bad. We seek to think collectively on how we might stay with accidents (Malabou, 2009) and our academic troubles and to explore ways of thinking with unplannable twists, turns, knots, assemblages and entanglements within our academic struggles to come to new understandings and knowledges. How can accidents and mistakes become strategies for learning? 

The pre-conference will begin with a ‘speed-dating’ session, in which we share academic troubles/quandaries we have met with each other, before Jayne Osgood presents on ‘Mis/adventures requiring care and recklessness: response-abilities in playful research’’. After lunch, PhD candidates and other participants are invited to ‘sharing spaces for academic mis/adventures’. Here, participants share their projects focusing on mis/ adventures to collaboratively think-with in small groups using drawing and other non-Power point modes of presentation and discussion. Finally, we meet to share a dinner together at a restaurant to be announced. 

Sharing spaces for academic mis/adventures where we invite participants who want to share academic mis/adventures to send in an abstract (max 300 words). This will be used to create thematically arranged collectives to collaboratively think your mis/adventure with. 

The pre-conference is free of charge, but lunch and dinner are paid for by the attendees. Please register with or without abstract to preconf22NERA@gmail.com no later than 5th of February 2024. 

You will find a preliminary program and suggested reading below. The final schedule will be sent to registered participants. 

Hope to see many of you in Malmö! 

/Iselin Dagsdotter Sæterdal, Anna Jobér, Sanne Björklund & Teresa K. Aslanian (organizing committee)

Preliminary program March 5th 

10:00 Welcome & Speedtroubling (a kind of speed-dating where we share ‘troubles/knots/research quandaries’ with each other). Room: D477, Orkanen 

10:40 Fika. 

11:00 Jayne Osgood. Lecture and discussions on the theme ‘Mis/adventures requiring care and recklessness: response-abilities in playful research’. Room: A0607, Niagara 

12:30 Lunch. Participants buy their own food but are invited to eat in D477. We recommend take away from the nearby restaurant Spill. 

13:30-16:00 Sharing spaces for mis/adventures This session is a space for PhD students and other participants to share their projects, focusing on academic mis/adventures to collaboratively think with. Room: D477, Orkanen 

15.00 Fika 

19:00 Dinner. Vegetarian or vegan restaurant, to be announced. 

Suggested readings 

Cooren, F. (2020). Beyond Entanglement: (Socio-) Materiality and Organization Studies. Organization Theory, 1(3). 

Haraway, D. (2016). Staying with the trouble: Making kin in the Chthulucene. Duke University. 

Malabou, C. (2009). Ontology of the Accident: An Essay on Destructive Plasticity (C. Shread, Trans.). Polity. 

Osgood, J. (2023). Adventures requiring care and recklessness. A playful archive, In Mazzei, L.A., & Jackson, A.Y. (Eds.). (2023). Postfoundational Approaches to Qualitative Inquiry (1st ed.). Routledge. 

Osgood, J., Kroeger, J., & Persky, J. (2022). Editorial: The spectacle of ‘tantruming toddler’: Reconfiguring child/hood(s) of the Capitalocene. Global Studies of Childhood, 12(3), 199-208. 

Osgood, J., & Mohandas, S. (2022). Grappling with the miseducation of Montessori: A feminist posthuman rereading of ‘child’ in early childhood contexts. Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood23(3), 302-316. 

Drawings by John Tenniel. Studies For Illustrations To Alice’s Adventures In Wonderland Graphite On Paper, Ca. 1864.