~ Post-approaches to Education

History of the network

The network was founded by Bosse Bergstedt (Lund University) and Anna Herbert (Linnaeus University) in 2011. The motivation for the network was to create a platform for the emerging post-structuralist theories in the educational field. 

As the theories developed into a stronger focus on posthuman theories, a new name was introduced: Post-approaches to Education. The name was changed through an email decision in 2016 and used for the first time in 2016 at NERA in Helsinki. Aligned with this, the Facebook page with the same name was initiated by Linnea Bodén. 


Simon Ceder and Camille Eline Andersen, 2022-

Bosse Bergstedt, Anna Herbert and Simon Ceder, 2021 

Bosse Bergstedt and Anna Herbert, 2011-2020

Election committee

Teresa Aslanian and Agnes Westgaard Bjelkerud, 2025

Linnea Bodén and Tarja Karlsson Häikiö, 2022

The network has continuously arranged preconferences.

Year and placeThemeOrganizing committeeInvited speaker(s)
2024 MalmöMis/ adventures in education: post-approaches to research and learningIselin Dagsdotter Sæterdal, Anna Jobér, Sanne Björklund & Teresa K. AslanianJayne Osgood
2023 OsloAct iv ism as post-approach – what difference does it make, and what do we do with what it does? Camilla Johansson Bäcklund, Teresa Katherine Aslanian, Nina Odegard and Charlotta Hilli Hillevi Lenz Taguchi, Anna Palmer & Teresa Elkin Postila 
2022 ReykjavikBut how do you do? – Theoretical and analytical involvement in post-approaches to educational researchCamilla Johansson Bäcklund, Charlotta Hilli, Agnes Westgaard Bjelkerud, Rachel Sinquefield-Kangas Riikka HohtiMalou Juelskjær
2021 OdenseQuality Criteria for Posthuman Educational ResearchSimon Ceder, Agnes Westgaard Bjelkerud, Rachel Sinquefield-KangasRERM editors Ann Merete Otterstad, Jayne Osgood, Lotta Johansson & Camilla Eline Andersen
2020 TurkuPosthuman Conceptions of Change in Empirical Educational ResearchMartin Hauberg-Lund Laugesen, Simon Ceder, Virpi Valtonen and Sofie SauzetCamilla Eline Andersen (lecture), Pauliina Rautio & Riikka Hohti (dialogical lecture)
2019 UppsalaPosthumanist transformatory methodologies in educationKarin Gunnarsson, Merete Moe, Sofie Sauzet, and Bosse BergstedtAnne Beate Reinertsen (lecture) Simon Ceder & Karin Gunnarsson (presentation and workshop)
2018 OsloDiffraction and intra-action in the empirical research process Merete Moe, Helene Falkenberg, Camilla Nørgaard and Bosse BergstedtLotta Johansson (lecture), Malou Juelskjær (workshop), Helene Falkenberg (lecture), Lise Hovik (workshop), Merete Moe (workshop), Bosse Bergstedt (lecture)
2017 CopenhagenThe material conditions for education, teaching and learningHelene Falkenberg, Camilla Eline Andersen, Mattias Nilsson och Bosse BergstedtDorthe Staunæs, Hillevi Lenz Taguchi, Malou Juelskjær