~ Post-approaches to Education

Network meeting notes, Malmö, 2024

Notes from the network meeting NERA, Malmö, 07. 03. 2024

Led by Simon Ceder, 15 attendees

Agenda and topics for discussion:

  • Pre-conference

The pre-conference day was on March 6th and had the theme of Mis/adventures in education. Post-approaches to research and learning. The pre-conference was a success with 28 delegates attending. Prof. Jayne Osgood from Middlesex University London gave a key note talk. We thanked the organizing committee: Iselin Dagsdotter Sæterdal, Anna Jobér, Sanne Björklund and Teresa K. Aslanian.

For next year’s pre-conference in Helsinki, Juliette Boks-Vlemmix and Teresa Elkin Postila have volunteered to join the arrangement committee. 

For next year’s pre-conference theme, the following suggestions were made:

  • The doings of post-approaches/methodological – what are we doing?
  • Quality criteria in post-approaches
  • Translations and concepts – how can we translate concepts and thinking into “our own language” and practices?
  • Concepts and criteria in post-approaches
  • How might we think of knowledge contributions and asses these? Is it possible to speak of post-validity and what might this look like?
  • Feminist theory and perspectives – how have feminist theorizations contributed to post-qualitative research, and how might it matter in and for the continuation of this research paradigm?

Organizing the structure of the network

Simon presented some thoughts on “different steps” in participating in the network:

(i) Present in the network (ii) chair sessions and share information (use our FB site) (iii) organize pre-conference (iii) convener or election committee. Being transparent about this model will hopefully facilitate the recruitment of new conveners.

The group discussed how the network wants to organize, recruit, and elect the process of assigning conveners. The following suggestions were made:

Frame the years as convener to a 3–4-year time limit, preferably with a 1-2-year overlap between current and new convener.

When new conveners are to be elected, an election committee is set, and the committee proposes the conveners. Members who would like to be assigned to the convener role can reach out to the committee.

Members for the next round of the election committee: Teresa Aslanian (University of South-Eastern Norway) and Agnes Westgaard Bjelkerud (Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences).

Referent: Agnes Westgaard Bjelkerud, March 8th 2024