Network 6: Educational Leadership Network
This network is a NERA/NFPF network and therefore open to all members of NERA/NFPF who are interested in research, education and practice on educational leadership
The term, Educational Leadership, refers to leadership in organizations who are engaged in education and care at all levels, from early childhood, compulsory school to adult education, liberal adult education and university.
The purposes of the network are to facilitate the discussion and collaboration between researchers, educators and practitioners in this field by:
- Being active in planning for the next NERA/NFPF Congress
- Having this web site with e-mail addresses and links to members and projects.
- Having a forum in which it is possible to present and exchange research results on educational leadership in Scandinavia and elsewhere. The network is thus also a basis for the dissemination of research results through the American Educational Research Association because the AERA conference has opened a special symposium for NERA-members.
- Establishing new and strengthen old research contacts in the Scandinavian countries through the yearly personal contacts at the network presentations.
- Furthering the collaboration across the Scandinavian borders on research on educational leadership.
- Having a forum where it is possible for doctoral students to present their research results in a forum of peers and more experienced researchers.
- Planning and develop mutual presentations at other conferences on matters of Scandinavian research on educational leadership in Scandinavia.
- Discussing matters of mutual interest across the Scandinavian borders
Current issues in the network are (ex.):
- Nordic comparative analyses of leadership
- Leadership in early childhood institutions
- Leadership in higher education
- Philosophical and theoretical analyses of leadership