~ The Curriculum Research Network


Network : The Curriculum Research Network
The scope and aim of the curriculum research network is to serve as an encounter for different curriculum research approaches. Curriculum research is a complex, multidiscursive academic discipline and curriculum as a theoretical field can be understood as both institution and practice. Curriculum constitutes a fundamental part of the framework of schooling but the design and understanding of curricula are also part of a larger public societal debate extending to questions of democracy and public goods. The increasing internationalization of a curriculum field embedded in distinctive national cultures requires new languages where different arenas and levels are viewed as mutual interrelated.

Some examples of important questions within the field are:

  • How can a Nordic perspective be conceptualized and understood?
  • How can curriculum theory, coherently kept together by its three different arenas, be developed and used efficiently in the social and societal contexts at the beginning of the 2000s?
  • How can we understand the processes between policy, governing of education and teaching?

The studies of curriculum involves for example educational policy and school reform; comparative studies; curriculum planning, design and organization; curriculum implementation and evaluation; studies of teaching and didactics; as well as explorations of students’ and teachers’ experiences of schooling and curriculum.