Attendees: 12
1. Convenors open the meeting
2. Information about updated presentation of the network on the webpage and possibilities to apply for fundings to participate at AERA
3. Dialogue about what we would jointly do in the network: possible activities for the network, a theme for a joint symposia, and the fact that almost only swedes were attending the network meeting – a dilemma?
Possible activities:
- Pre-conference or pre-meeting in Malmö (maybe for PhD students?)
- Joint symposia on the next NERA congress and/or AERA
Suggestions of themes for a symposia:
- Teacher agency
- Collaboration practices in practice based research for school development
- Students’ participation in school development
- The understanding of school development in different Nordic countries
- Sustainable education – how to create sustainability on different organizational levels (students, teachers, school leaders, school organisers)
- Nordic perspectives on school development
4. Decisions – We decided that convenors should check the date for dead line concerning AERA, send the minutes from the meeting to the members of the network and ask them to reflect on the suggested themes, and invite the members to a digital meeting in the spring (15th of May) to take decisions concerning a symposia.