~ Post-approaches to Education

Report from NERA in Reykjavik, June 2022

In June 2022, we attended the NERA conference in Reykjavik. The network 22 organized four paper sessions and two symposia. We also had a network meeting, see minutes below. 

NERA network Post-approaches to Education

Notes, annual network meeting 2022, University of Iceland 

Thursday, 2 June at 14.20 – 15.00


  1. Opening of the meeting

2.  Secretary for the meeting.

Camilla Eline Andersen

3. Acceptance of the agenda

The agenda was accepted

4. Network report 2021

Bosse Bergstedt and Simon Ceder informed briefly from the 2021 report.

5. Report pre-conference 2022

Theme for the pre-conference: “But how do you do?” – a focus on showing how to. It worked well to ask people to share abstracts beforehand. A diverse group attended the pre-conference. Camilla Johansson Bäcklund will share some notes from the pre-conference to the attendees.

6. Next conference and pre-conference 2023

The network can apply for up to 75 000 kroner for next year’s pre-conference.

Those attending the meeting was asked for ideas for next year’s pre-conference:

  • Activism – what difference does it make, and what do we do with what it does?
  • Ecofeminism
  • Publishing, reporting and communicating
  • Genealogy of the post-approaches
  • Celebrate the history and trajectory – and what difference does it do?

Does anyone want to be part? Camilla Johansson Bäcklund and Teresa Aslanian said yes to be part of the committee for next year’s pre-conference. If anyone else wants to be part of it, send a message to Bosse or Simon.

The Facebook page is active – so it can be used for sharing and dialogue.

7. Election conveners

Anne Herbert is leaving as convener, and so is Bosse Bergstedt. Linnea Bodén and Tarja Karlsson Häikiö, the nomination committee for new network conveners, proposed Simon Ceder and Camilla Eline Andersen as conveners for the next two years. Elected by applause.