Dear members of NERA Network 22 Post-approaches to Education
It is our pleasure to invite you to our network’s fifth pre-conference. The 2022 pre-conference will be held in Reykjavik, Iceland. May 31. – June 1. (12 noon-12 noon)
But how do you do? –
Theoretical and analytical involvement in post-approaches to educational research
We invite junior (PhD/doctoral students) and senior scholars interested in, curious or critical about, post-approaches to education to join the pre-conference. The purpose of the preconference is to strengthen research networks around post-approaches to education in Nordic countries and provide opportunities for academic discussions between PhD/doctoral students and seniors.
This year’s pre-conference theme is theoretical and analytical involvement within postapproaches in educational research. Doing post-qualitative research means becoming theoretically and analytically involved, but how do we make sense of these messy processes? How do we do post-qualitative research? What may these processes look like and how may they unfold? How is it that we do analysis? For this year’s pre-conference theme, we seek to explore issues of theoretical and analytical involvement.
During the pre-conference, we invite PhD students and senior researchers to share in how it is we become theoretically and analytically involved as post-qualitative educational researchers. The pre-conference will include two presentations given by senior or post-doc researchers, along with group discussions on the topic.
A more detailed program will be released a few months ahead of the conference. For now, please register for the pre-conference by sending an email to Agnes Westgaard Bjelkerud,
We want to remind you that the network has a Facebook page: You are all welcome to post relevant content there.
Warmest welcome,
Camilla Johansson Bäcklund, Charlotta Hilli, Agnes Westgaard Bjelkerud,