Nera network meeting 5. Marts 2020
Bosse Bergstedt (, Anna R. Moxnes (, Teresa K. Aslanian (, Anita Tvedt Crisotomo (, Sofie Sauzet (, Agnes Westergaard Bjelkerud (, Simo Ceder (, Helene Falkenberg (
Notes from the meeting:
Bosse: The history of the network. It started in Jyvaskyla in 2007. Was named poststructuralist pedagogies. Followed the chance from language to matter and change name to Posthuman Pedagogies. Preconference since 2016. The network har a Facebook group: Post-Approaches to Education.
This year there has been no founding. There have been 12 paper presentations.
The preconference went well: The combination of prepared lecturer and paper presentation is good. Time for discussion workshops is important. The pre-conference is a good opportunity to make network and makes NERA more relevant to attend.
Next year NERA is in Odense, Denmark: We will continue to have a pre-conference. Planning group is Simon Ceder, Sofie Sauzet, Agnes Westgaard Bjelkerud and Rachel Sinquefield Kangas.
New convener: Bosse Bergstedt and Anna Herbert are convener. Bosse stops next year. Simon Ceder joins in as a convener this year and Sofie Sauzet joins in next year (2021).
Last year a special issue in RERM (Reconceptualising Educational Research Methodology) was initiated. The editorial group is Linnea Boden, Sofie Sauzet and Simon Ceder. Theme of the special issue is Posthuman conceptions of change in empirical educational research. The editorial group received 30 abstracts. Now some of these abstracts are in process from abstract to full paper. The issued is expected published in February 2021.
Suggestions for theme for next year: When working with the special issue the editorial group came to discuss a lot about how to address the contributions. What quality criteria do we use for posthuman educational research? Educational research is usually placed in the social sciences with qualitative methodological approaches. Connected to posthuman theory is post-qualitative methodological approaches that challenge the qualitative, arguing they are using similar quality criteria as positivist research. Therefore, one idea for a theme to the pre-conference could be to discuss (and develop) such quality criteria. Or to discuss, what does quality criteria mean from a posthuman perspective.