Dear Network 20 participant,
It is our pleasure to invite you to the preconference for NERA 2024 in Malmö, Sweden on March 5th 2024. We invite junior (PhD/doctoral students) and senior scholars and others interested in doing research connected to and curious or critical about mentoring, guidance and counselling.
The purpose of the pre-conference is to strengthen the research network around mentoring, guidance and counselling connected to education in the Nordic countries, and to allow for meetings and academic debate between PhD/doctoral students, seniors and other scholars.
The preconference is free of charge. Lunch and dinner are paid for by the attendees. Please register no later than 16th of February 2024.
This year’s preconference will consist of two intertwined parts: Each session is led by senior researchers from Norwegian Innland University of Applied Sciences: Associate professors Lene Nyhus and Eirin Annamo, and Dr.Philos candidate Bjørn O. Larssen.
Program for Preconference in Network 20
09.30: Registration, coffee, and tea.
10.00: Welcome to the first preconference in Network 20 (Eva Bjerkholt and Anna Moxnes, USN)
10.15: Scientific ground theory and mentoring (Eirin Annamo, Lene Nyhus and Bjørn O. Larssen, Norwegian Innland University of applied Sciences)
11.15: Break
11.30: Practical mentoring. Ontological mentoring practices – adventures of the unexpected. (Bjørn O. Larssen, Eirin Annamo and Lene Nyhus)
13.00 – 14.00: Self organized lunch
14.00: Experiences with On meta reality in research methods and designs
14.45: Group discussions
15.30: Plenary discussions
16.00: End of program
19.00: Meeting up for dinner
This post will be updated with room location after 16.02.24. If you have any queries, please feel free to contact the conveners for Network 20.
- Eva (convener), Anna and Tonje (co-conveners).