Nera network 19

~ Teacher’s Work and Teacher Education


The network Teaching and Teacher Education is concerned with research on, for and with teachers, teaching and teacher education situated in a Nordic perspective and context. The network is supposed to function as a medium between researchers interested in these areas, but also to work as a contact area towards professional teachers.

We also want to try to facilitate contacts between interested parties so that co-operation and exchanges can begin and disparate research efforts can be synchronized. Furthermore the network wants to promote that research findings in the area become available and can be used by researchers and of professionals in the field.

The network was initiated in 2003. As from 2006 we arrange presentations in connection with the NERA (Nordic Educational Research Association) conference. The network is multidisciplinary committed to no single approach, discipline, methodology, or paradigm. The network welcomes varied approaches (qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods) to empirical research in paper presentations at the conference.