~ Teacher’s Work and Teacher Education

NERA pre-conference 5th March 2024

Context matters: Challenges in comparing instruction across contexts

The purpose of the pre-conference is to strengthen network activities around comparative research on teacher professionalism, with a focus on comparing classroom instruction across contexts in the Nordic countries.

Key note: Dr. Kirsti Klette, professor at Oslo University, department of teacher education and school research


13:00-13:30         Welcome and introduction

13:30-14:30         Kirsti Klette keynote presentation Challenges in comparing instruction across contexts

14:30-15:00         Coffee break

15:00-15:45         Break-out discussions of keynote. How can the lecture inspire various research projects the network participants engage in?

15:45-16:00         Short coffee break

16:00-17:30         Discussions on how to create network connections, sharing, and collaboration. For instance workshopping, research plans and special issue proposals, grant-seeking and other future activities, including initial discussion of possible next steps for collaborative research within for outreach via the network pages

18:00-20:00         Dinner and further informal networking and discussion

Please register for the pre-conference by sending an email to the network convenors Ulla Lundqvist (ulla.lundqvist@oslomet.no) and Ilona Rinne (ilona.rinne@gu.se).