~ Families, Institutions and Communities in Education

Network 18 — Call for abstract to NERA 2018 is open

Families, Institutions and Communities in Educational Context is a network for educational research into relationship among families, schools and communities across the Nordic countries. A great number of research fellows and doctor students from Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden are active members. The network is affiliated to the network NORNAPE (Nordic Research Network about Parents in Education), which is also associated with the European Research Network about Parents in Education (ERNAPE). The network will be relevant to anyone who is doing research in the areas of education, educational administration, educational psychology, educational sociology and other related disciplines. It will also be of interest to parents, teachers and their organizations.

The network serves as a meeting place where researchers and doctoral students have the opportunities to share and exchange their research ideas, to discuss common issues concerning networks activities and development, as well as to carry out research collaboration. During the NERA congresses the network has own sessions for symposium and presentations of papers or posters.

Convener: Limin Gu, Department of Education, Umeå University, Sweden