~ Literacy Research Network

New network pages

October 2019:

The NERA/NFPF Literacy Research Network invites to a pre-conference March 3, 2020 at University of Turku.

 As discussed in previous meetings in the literacy network, we hereby invite members in the literacy network to a one day pre-conference the day before the main conference starts. The pre-conference aims to provide doctoral students an opportunity to discuss their research with experienced researchers and other doctoral students. Associate professor Sara Routarinne, University of Turku, will introduce the day with a lecture about “Peer recruitments, decision making and epistemic positions within literacy events of taking notes”, followed by text seminars where doctoral students, supervisors and other members of the network discuss ongoing PhD-projects within the network (for information about the network, see https://neranetwork15.wordpress.com/about/)

Prior to the preconference, doctoral students submit drafts of their ongoing research (5–10 pages). Based on the submitted drafts, registered students are grouped according to research areas. The drafts are distributed to the registered participants during week 7; in time for the participants to read the drafts. During the preconference, students, supervisors and senior researchers will work in small groups (4–6 students per group) to give feedback to the drafts.

We welcome all interested  researchers to attend the pre-conference!

Register for the pre-conference:

Please register participation in the pre-conference December 20, 2019 at


Submit text

Doctoral students submit a draft (article, chapter or research plan) consisting of 5–10 pages. The participants are grouped according to submitted topics, with a senior researcher and other doctoral students acting as opponents. The texts will be divided into groups with 4–6 participants and senior researchers as constructive readers. Please follow these instructions:

  • Write your name and affiliation in the header
  • Send the draft in .docx- or .pdf-format to sjusslin@abo.fi
  • Write “Text for preconference” as subject for the e-mail.
  • Deadline for submissions of texts: February 3, 2020.

We hope to see you at the pre-concerence!


Sofia Jusslin, coordinator, Åbo akademi, Vasa,  sjusslin@abo.fi

Marie Tanner, convenor NW15, Karlstads universitet,  marie.tanner@kau.se

Carina Hermansson,  convenor NW15, Umeå universitet

April 2018:

Minutes from the neetwork meeting, NW 15,  8 mars 2018

We were about ten persons attending. Discussions concerned in different ways the topic of the networks organization in relation to the conference.

  • Should we arrange a pre-conference in NERA 2019 in Uppsala? If there is an interest in this, we have to form a work-group that could arrange this, there are also some possibilities to apply for funding from the NERA board. Sofia Jusslin, Åbo akademi, Vasa in cooperation with the conveners (Marie Tanner and Carina Hermansson) are wiling to map the interest for such a pre-conference, please contact them if you have ideas about themes for a pre-conference, or are interested to take part in a group that work further with this question!
  • This year we have a joint symposium with network 13, ICT, with eight presentations about digital literacies. We welcome initiatives for more cooperations with other networks in the future!
  • We have a Facebook group for the network, please contact Marie Tanner if you want to join this group, or search for it directly on Facebook: Nordic Literacy Research Network.

/Carina Hermansson & Marie Tanner

October 2017:

Symposium: Digital literacies in schools – contributions from different perspectives.

This call for papers is for a joint symposium between the NERA networks ICT & Education and Literacy Research Network,  and we are pleased to invite you to participate in a symposium on digital literacy. The symposium will take place at the NERA 2018 in Oslo 8.-10. March, the 46th congress in Nordic Educational Research Association. In line with the conference theme “Boundaries, Breaches and Bridges”, this symposium joins together research on digital literacy conceptualized and theorized in autonomous models as well as in situated perspectives on literacy.

Across Europe, policy discourses and curricula design have integrated digital literacy, which have tended towards an autonomous framing of literacy. These frameworks, international surveys and national tests have mainly focused on the technical and functional skills needed for students to acquire digital literacy. Such perspectives on digital literacy have been important in order to develop national, as well as international frameworks on digital literacy and 21 century skills. But on the other hand, literacy researchers have taken as their point of departure the situated literacy events that occur in digitally rich classrooms, in order to understand how digital literacy and literacies emerge as social and cultural practices. These studies contribute with in-depth qualitative studies of digital literacy, but seldom engages in larger data-sets and more overarching patterns and structures on a general level.

In this symposium we invite researchers who have studied digital literacy from a wide range of different methodological perspectives to meet in joint discussions about the nature of digital literacies in schools. The symposium will run in one or two sessions, depending on the number of accepted papers. We are particularly interested in studies that compare and contrast these different perspectives on digital literacy. This issue is important, as there seems to be a growing gap between how digital literacy is understood in policy, and how it is performed in practiceHowever, the symposium also welcomes contributions that draws on one of these strands, but with an interest to engage in discussions about how different perspectives can meet and mutually enrich each other and the research field.

We encourage researchers who have an interest in research on digital literacy in both networks to send in an abstract (450-500 words) before 24. October to the convenors of the networks:

Please notice that your abstract should also be sent to the submission system for NERA before deadline for submission, the 1st of November. In case the symposium cannot include all proposals, they will be considered as single paper presentations.

On behalf of both networks we look forward to your submissions,

Øystein Gilje, Marie Tanner, Carina Hermansson, Michael Dal

March 2017:

Minnesanteckningar från nätverksmötet den 10 mars 2016

  • Nätverkets funktion diskuterades, vilket främst är att organisera oss i relation till konferensens inramning i pedagogisk forskning.
  • Möjligheter finns att ordna förkonferenser i anslutning till kommande NERA för att diskutera något specifikt tema. Detta är ett gemensamt ansvar för alla medlemmar i nätverket, och vem som helst kan ta initiativ till en sådan förkonferens. Kontaktuppgifter till alla medlemmar läggs upp på nätverkets hemsida.
  • För att försöka öka det nordiska deltagandet i nätverket kommer vi att utse kontaktpersoner för varje nordiskt land. Kontaktuppgifter till dessa läggs på hemsidan.
  • Vi diskuterade möjligheten att söka samarbeten mellan olika nätverk kring specifika sessioner med gemensamma områden. Detta sker lämpligen i samband med reviewprocessen av abstract.
  • Vi diskuterade möjligheten att skapa en facebook-grupp där uppdateringar på nätverkets website och andra nyheter aviseras.