Call for papers_WRAB 2023
Der er udsendt call for papers til konferencen Writing Research Across Borders 2023, forkortet WRAB 2023. WRAB 2023 foregår i Trondheim med professor Gustaf Skar
NFPF/NERA, the main association for educational researchers in the Nordic countries. It is a basis for cooperation and development of educational research. It is open for everyone that has an interest in educational research in the Nordic context.
Visit NFPF/NERA site here…
Der er udsendt call for papers til konferencen Writing Research Across Borders 2023, forkortet WRAB 2023. WRAB 2023 foregår i Trondheim med professor Gustaf Skar
The deadline for applications for the NERA slot at the AERA annual meeting in 2021 is extended from the 15th May to May 24th. Please
October 2019: The NERA/NFPF Literacy Research Network invites to a pre-conference March 3, 2020 at University of Turku. As discussed in previous meetings in the literacy