~ Higher Education


Network 10: Higher Education
The network has a long history within NERA under some changing labels. During the last years Network 11 has worked as a meeting place for researchers and projects from the broad field of higher education. The network has had its meetings during each NERA-congress. Fifteen to twenty researchers have met at those occasions. Considering the contributions to network sessions at the Congresses over the last years the character of the network could be described as framed by higher education as a sector.

The network consists of educational researchers engaged in any aspect of or phenomenon in higher education as the object of research. The research within the network, thus, represents varied research-paradigms, methodological approaches, educational theories or learning theories. Higher Education is understood as a broad term covering the professional and social life, learning and teaching processes, educational leadership as well as various aspects of professional development within the study programs, faculties or the organization as a whole. Higher education is contextualized in nationally as well as international frames and perspectives.

The common research interest could be described as the life, changes and development of the sector of higher education. Over the last years has contributions have been related to for instance: student learning in different programmes, studentĀ“ characteristics and learning trajectories, student assessment, university teachersĀ“ development and working conditions, institutional and curricular development and the Bologna process.