~ Higher Education

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Network 10: Higher Education

Welcome to our network homepage!

During the last years, Network 10 has worked as a meeting place for researchers from the broad field of higher education. The network has had network-meetings during each NERA-congress. However, we warmly welcome new members to the network, as the network has been hibernating the last years. During the last NERA conference in Reykjavik 2022, we still had 30 paper presentations and one paper symposium so the theme of the network raises a lot interest.

What kind of themes fit under the concept of higher education?

This network covers all aspects of student learning and teaching in higher education. University students’ development, self-regulated learning, motivation, self-efficacy, academic emotions, engagement, wellbeing and identity are some of the topics of interest for the network, but also all issues related to student assessment and university pedagogy, as well as pedagogical leadership, social justice, multilingualism and diversity in higher education are of interest.

How can you contribute to our network?

If you previously have been a member of the network or if you want to join, please e-mail us so we can add your name to the list of members in this network! Please, also join our network meeting at the next NERA conference in Oslo in March 2022.

We also plan to arrange a pre-conference in Malmö in 2024.

Looking forward to hearing from you and meeting you in Oslo in March 2023.

Conveners: Åsa Mickwitz (asa.mickwitz@helsinki.fi) and Monica Londen (monica.londen@helsinki.fi)

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